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foods that made

me fat!

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Peas pudding & Stottie Cake

If you’ve spent a decent amount of time in the northeast of England this will be something familiar to you. Peas pudding is very similar to pea and ham soup, just thicker, not quite as strong, its not a soup, you let it set and cut it into blocks and you serve it hot or…

Simple bread recipe

First of all, you may as well do 2 loafs at a time because it takes just as long and uses as much energy as it does to make just 1. This is for two loafs of bread, half the ingredients if you insist on making just one Ingredients Method Put 640g Luke warm water…

Bread my Demon

My enemy, my love, my demon, my favorite thing in the world, the root of all evil and the orchestrator of every doomed diet I’ve failed. So what do I do? I tried living without it, avoiding it completely, and yes, that works really well for a while, and I lose weight very quickly, but…

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