Behind Enemy lines

I wrote this about 2 or 3 years ago and don’t think I ever posted it, I wish I had and I wish I read at least once a week to remind me of who I am and maybe I would not of got lost in a place I could not get out of for 2 years, this is who I want to be, THIS IS ME.

How the shit did this happen im finally starting to have fun with my journey again, and I wake up in fricking bandit country, ashton moss surrounded by fast food chains, 2 years ago I would of thought this was heaven, now its like waking up with HELL  on my front door step.

Add to this the fact I have no fridge i can store fresh salad or veg in, no kitchen or any means of cooking or heating up food, all I have is a kettle, basically im screwed 😅.

I was saying this was a bit like being dropped in the middle of a mine field but that doesn’t do it justice really, we are all here because we love food, good and bad, and let’s face it, its the bad we always went for, im a kid in a candy shop, im a soldier deep behind enemy lines, dropped in a minefield in the middle of a battle, with no weapons to fight with and my hands tide, how do I carry on?

BECAUSE I CAN, because im strong, stubborn and I hate losing,

Because the STRUGGLES im having today are DEFINING the person I am tomorrow,

Also the same way I always used to face my problems in the past before I forgot who I am. Its not rocket science. Its just this..

You do what you can for as long as you can, and when you finally can’t, you do the next best thing.

You get back up, and you don’t give up. And that’s pretty much it.

When I ended up in this shit hole it seemed an impossible situation, but it isn’t, its just difficult, things are only impossible until they aren’t, infact look at the word impossible, if we believe in ourselves and are willing to work hard and make small changes, well look at the word, see for yourself.

Impossible, becomes I’M POSSIBLE.

I know what I see, which do you?

Yes ive eaten mcdonalds, yes ive eaten take out while ive been staying here but ive owned it,

and for every bad food day ive had, ive swam 2 mile, and if ive had 3 bad days ive made sure ive had 4 good ones,

ONE BAD MEAL DOESNT MAKE YOU FAT, just like one good one doesn’t make you thin.

This is what we have to remind ourselves, then we don’t do stupid shit like shelve the entire week and give up saying oh ive done it now i may aswell keep eating shit 😀.

I was disappointed before I started reflecting on this week and writing about it,  what I know now, is that the 3.5 lb ive dropped in the 2 weeks ive been struggling here in bandit country, far exceeds the 22lb I lost when everything was easy for me.

It’s easy succeeding when everything is going to plan. it’s succeeding when you’re up against the odds that define you. That is  what inspires people.

I’m hoping maybe one day people may read this or see me and maybe, just maybe I might inspire them, that would be a treat, that would make all my struggles Worth while.

Published by big English guy

Struggled to keep the weight off for years, but now im using a love of food and weight loss groups, skill in the kitchen and some creative ideas to turn those unhealthy but comfort classics we loved, the foods that made me fat, into food that will make me thin

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