Peas pudding & Stottie Cake

If you’ve spent a decent amount of time in the northeast of England this will be something familiar to you. Peas pudding is very similar to pea and ham soup, just thicker, not quite as strong, its not a soup, you let it set and cut it into blocks and you serve it hot orContinue reading “Peas pudding & Stottie Cake”

Bacon & Egg Macmuffin

Don’t need to explain what this is, the title is self-explanatory In this I used 77g of cooked super lean bacon 2 eggs 2 proper muffins just like you get at Macdonalds 13 g of Mature 30% less fat cathedral city cheese, not really sices more like shavings, the cheese is so strong you needContinue reading “Bacon & Egg Macmuffin”

Quick tasty snacks

This is normally where my diet falls apart the dreaded sandwich 🥪, now while I was boiling my rice to go with my beef and mushroom I was about to make a sandwich, and that is exactly what I’ve been doing wrong for years turning one meal into two So this time, I made aContinue reading “Quick tasty snacks”

Meat & potato hot pot

Basically, this is potato ash with a lid, obviously I’m thinking calories here, if I just use just enough pastry for a crust lid im only using about a 3rd of the pastry i would use if I made a full pie, infact the crust is made from the off cuts of the last pieContinue reading “Meat & potato hot pot”

Changing it up a little, don’t let it get boring

Pretty much the same as yesterday, the only difference is I really want a fried egg, im doing a gym day so i need the extra protein any way, but dont avoid what you want change how you prepare it and go for it, you won’t satisfy your need no matter how many apples orContinue reading “Changing it up a little, don’t let it get boring”

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