3rd week weigh-in

Forgive me if I don’t write my actual weight here, the truth is if I look at my weight I am so far away from a number where I want to be its a bit demoralizing. If I had a 5 stone weight loss, I would still be nowhere near so I thought it wouldContinue reading “3rd week weigh-in”

Changing it up a little, don’t let it get boring

Pretty much the same as yesterday, the only difference is I really want a fried egg, im doing a gym day so i need the extra protein any way, but dont avoid what you want change how you prepare it and go for it, you won’t satisfy your need no matter how many apples orContinue reading “Changing it up a little, don’t let it get boring”


Just been thinking about all my failures trying to get back to a physical condition I always took for granted for so many years, and here are the facts, if I monitor what I’m doing, what I consume, and what I use ( basically really what I consume) I lose weight and I lose weightContinue reading “ALWAYS CHECK YOU MAY BE SUPRISED”

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